Closing should go pretty fast (they say we'll be done by Feb. 13th). HOWEVER... move-in date is a lot further than that. The owners are trying to adopt some kids from Russia? Ukraine? and have asked for the option of renting from us for 4 months AFTER closing.!! If they (the owners) get the adoptees soon, move-out date (for them) will be sooner.
What does this mean??
Possibly 4.5 more months of sleeping in the RV.
Assuming my family will still claim us at the end of this waiting period, things will work out fairly well. Saving money on rent will enable us to pay back borrowed money (debts) along with pruchasing furniture (living room set) and appliances (fridge, washer and dryer). What a blessing!!
My mom's goal right now is to ride her bike everyday. Her course is currently 3 miles, but she is coming home WAY too soon so I mapped out a longer course for her to take next time. Although her leg muscles might be sore today from luggin these shoes (my dad's) around for 20 minutes yesterday:
Allan needed a haircut before school and, not wanting to get little hairs stuck in the bottom of her slipper socks (SCRUNCHED slipper socks, no less (already attractive when worn solely)) she quickly strapped on my dad's Nike velcro sandals.
Allan's haircut was complete before this picture was taken, but the stylist made him sit back down, "So they know what I was doing.", Becky said.
Mom, sorry to tell you this, but NO ONE is going to notice anyone else in that picture.