Kai's birthday was March 19th.
He turned 4!!!
The morning of, he was pulled out of the RV early so we could give him..... not breakfast in bed, but breakfast in the living room. Same thing, right? If breakfast is Hostess Chocolate covered donuts -- he doesn't care where he eats them. Of course, being who I am, I cut up some banana rings and arranged them around the donuts, hoping to get something healthy in him as well.
I ended up throwing all those banana slices away. Big surprise.
Kai opened a few gifts that morning, but we saved a few for the party we had a few days later.

Monday night, was Kai's party. I had asked him a few times, "What kind of party do you want?" Some of the responses I got were: Lion, Lizard, Ninja Turtle, Dragon.
So I went with ROBOT.
Ha ha!!
Robots had been mentioned once or twice and with all the suggestions he was giving me, I knew Kai wouldn't be able to make up his mind.
Robot was fun and the ideas came easy.
The cake.
I went with this cake:
I'd never worked with fondant before, but have always wanted to.
I made some homemade marshmallow fondant the night before then a big part of Monday afternoon was used for assembly.
Katie helped me A TON and I think it turned out pretty good for our first fondant experience.
Definitely not professional quality, but I wasn't getting paid for it anyway!!
Okay, scratch that. I DID get paid.......with smiles. Aww!
I love Kai and I have the same expression in this next photo.
I didn't get very detailed shots of the decor, but here's one image I found. You can't really see it in the picture, but I had a Slinky for each guest hanging all around the room. I thought they looked like robot parts and I needed some more decor ideas... so there you go.
I like to have something for the kids to make and take home with them.
Katie helped me again with this task. We had made the above examples the night before as well and I forgot to take a picture before Treyson defaced Katie's robot. Sorry Katie.
Each guest was given a mini cereal box wrapped in foil then sent to the craft table:
Then of course, everyone's favorite part....(whether it's their birthday or not)....PRESENTS.

I love how Griffin hand is ready for the second Kai drops the gift to move on and open the next one.
I wish we could have had time for my musical robot game. I had downloaded three robotic sounding dance songs and was planning on playing them while kids walked in a circle. Three metalic hula hoops were going to be placed in random spots around the circle. When the music stopped, whoever remained in the hoop would have to show us their best robot dance once I turned the music back on. Don't you think that would have been sooo cute!?
Next time.
Kai, Kai, Kai.
What to say about Kai. He's definitely a character.
I love how he plays with Trey.
I love how he will let me do "shark hair" (fauhawk)
Kai will do almost anything to make you laugh.
I love his singing voice.
I DO NOT love his screaming voice -- which we are working on.
I love his laugh.
I love how he will read books to Treyson.
I love how-- the day before his party, he made us push "buttons" on his chest and back before he completed any task we gave him.
Cute, cute Kai.