March 19th was Kai's 5th birthday. The morning started out with breakfast, of course. Now usually I would add "in bed" after "breakfast". But Kai is our earliest riser. 'Nuf said.
A birthday drawing from Griffin and a few gifts to open:

We had his party a few days later with family. I love making the cake when I get the chance.

This one was pretty fun. I got to use fondant but opted out of covering the whole cake in it.

My brother-in-law, Rob, was more than happy to destroy my work of art.
(Evil Decepticon!)

Kai loved ALL his gifts and thanked everyone.
I always love the overly sugared, all my friends are here, I'm getting all the attention, excited expressions:
Now, I'm pretty sure the present count was 10 at the most, but, for my dad (who gets up at 5:30am to play raquetball, works hard all day long, and has bishopric responsibilities).....that was 9 gifts too many!

(Not a posed shot. He's totally sleeping!)
This "Toothless" dragon was Kai's last minute request and ended up in one of my favorite shots.
The very next day at school, Kai was able to bring in life pictures and one show and tell for his birthday celebration.

Griffin's classroom is right next door so we were able to pull him over for a few hugs (Mrs. Axtell was Griffin's Pre-K teacher as well) and a picture:

And since this is all about Kai, I wanted to throw in this last shot of him.
It makes me laugh every time!
Kai was informing some new friends at the park of the rules for their game.