I'm so behind in my blogging, it's ridiculous.
This summer, with the Garnders, we vacationed in La Jolla, California.
We were excited to go to Legoland, hearing that it was the perfect adventure for our kids' age group.
And it was true.
I couldn't believe everything they had made out of Legos! It was amazing.

This was one of Treyson's favorite rides. My little 1 yr. old nephew, Ty, could actually go on this one as well so we went again, again, and again.
This part of the park split up the kids into older and younger.
The older kids drove around in this mini city.
Here's Griff, who we barely got to see the whole day:
Theme parks are much more fun with cousins apparently.

While the younger kids drove.... in a circle.
I didn't expect Treyson to drive as well as he did. I was pretty proud.
Here's Kai and Gracie:

Jeff and Greg made sure Zach got his fill of thrills to make up for his height requirement deficit.
There was a fire truck relay area where teams raced using a pumping lever to get them from one end to the other and back.
Poor Hope is so popular with the grandkids and ended up with this team:
Needless to say... they didn't win. Their combined lack of beefy muscle mass didn't stand a chance.
Here's the winning team: Todd, Megan, Courtney and Danica
One of the attractions we all did together was this riverboat tour of Lego-made, world famous sites and monuments.

The tour guide's script was so chock-full of great puns, I couldn't help but think it would be the PERFECT job for my dad (one of the quickest, witty-est, punners I know).