May 9, 2008
8 lbs. 1 oz --- 20 in. long

He's here!!! And I'm glad we made him come when we did. Who knows how much bigger he would have been. For those of you with bigger babies, sorry, but this one was my biggest and I like the small ones better.
For those of you who DO NOT want to know the labor details...... skip this paragraph. Like I told you before, we went to the hospital at 3:30 pm. I made sure that our amazing nurse, Bethaina, knew my wishes. I told her that I would try for a bit without an epidural and let her know if things got too bad. If I wasn't going to progress very fast, she knew that I wasn't opposed to help. The doctor broke my water at 4:22 pm. The first little while, I wasn't feeling much. A semi-strong contraction came around 4:45 pm -- it was tolerable. I just kept walking around in the room. Jeff was getting bored. He was used to the fast paced previous labors and didn't really know what to do. His prediction was that this labor wasn't going to go quite as quick and we were going to be there for a while. My sisters, Jill, Shannon, and Celynda made it up there around 5 pm. Shannon and Celynda left to pick up Griffin and Kai. Jill stayed. She's wanted to be there for my other births, but never got the chance. The contractions started getting stronger. Jill started timing them for me around 5:15 -- they were 2 minutes apart. Jeff came back in the room just in time to suggest calling the nurse to check my progress. The moment she came in, I was ready to push. The pain was crazy. She checked and, indeed, I was fully dialated. From that second, until the baby was born, I'm not sure I opened my eyes at all. The pain came so fast and so intense and it seemed like one contraction just rolled into the next with no breaks. Treyson was born at 5:41 pm -- 1 hr. and 19 min. after they broke my water.
Note to self -- get the epidural next time.
Anyway -- we got home the next night and everything has been going well. Griffin LOVES Treyson to death and wants to hold him all the time. He has put Trey to sleep twice for me now. Kai -- not so much. He'll look at him every once in a while, but he's content just being crazy as always. Pretty soon, they'll all gang up on me, but for now......... I'll take advantage of how cute they are.