I have learned, over the years, that whenever Jeff says, "What are we playing for?" -- it usually means he's pretty confident on winning. I wish I could say I wasted him, but we tied.
(Jeff is pointing out the peak we hiked to.)
For lunch, we bought stuff for a picnic and went to Slide Rock. I knew we wouldn't get in the water because it would be ridiculously cold. However, there were two guys that must have been dared to jump in and it was the funniest thing. They jumped in one at a time but it was the exact same reaction as soon as they surfaced. Complete shock. Terrified that their bodies would never be warm again. Intense struggle to get out of there. The second guy had a hard time climbing up the smooth rock ("Slide" Rock) and his face showed a fear I never want to feel. I couldn't believe that his friends just stood there and watched him in pain for so long. Finally the first guy who jumped in went over to help him out. It was crazy.