Saturday, December 26, 2009
Just because....
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
2:40 PM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Holidays!!
Click on the image below to enlarge and enhance the delightable
Irish jig dance form Griffin is displaying.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
2:34 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
Usual stuff:
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
3:49 PM
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween 2009
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
4:40 PM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
My Cross-Dressing Grape
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
11:05 PM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Bribery works.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
4:32 PM
Friday, October 2, 2009
Trying not to laugh
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:39 PM
Monday, September 14, 2009
Making the most of what I've got!
That's right!!! The ice cream social wasn't just a social, it was a contest -- which I was not told about. I didn't say anything when we showed up because I thought, "There's NO WAY, with eleven other homemade ice creams on the table, that I will win something."
Turns out I was wrong. Strawberries and Oreos is a beloved combo for many (including the Stake President) who would have been too nervous to try it on their own.
P.S. -- I tried to give back the prize (Baskin Robbins certificates) but it was a four-way tie for third place, so I was told to go ahead and keep it. Some were impressed that I even concocted an offering semi-homemade without an ice cream maker.
Others just whispered "cheater" when I walked by.... for the rest of the night.
"Now we know how to win next year!", one voice said.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
3:20 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jungle Eatery
I'm sure most of you have heard of the Rainforest Cafe.
I didn't know Wednesday night was kids eat for $1.99 until we got there MONDAY night. Oh well.
Jeff and I had told the boys we'd eat there someday and they were super excited. I asked for a table right by the gorillas, which scared Treyson a bit, but Griffin and Kai absolutely loved. The atmosphere was loud and seemed to welcome Griffin's constant gorilla calls and actions.
Does anyone know if their french fries are supposed to be potato chip crunchy? My food tasted okay ( I've made better), which proved that most of the mula goes to the entertaining interior. However, this is the first time in the history of eating out with kids that, -not once!-, did I have to say, "Sit down and eat your food, please."
Both were so intrigued by all the movement, sounds, and thunderstorms going on around them, the food just kept going in.
It was great.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
8:32 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Speed it up!
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
5:29 PM
Silly Trey

Posted by
The Gardner Gang
3:24 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day One
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:11 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My First Kindergartener....
......for the first stage of elementary school, KINDERGARTEN is a pretty big word, don't ya think?
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
3:45 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
Letter to Elder DeWitt (my brother)
Anyway. This past week was a little crazy. Jeff started his new job. It's at a clinic in Queen Creek but we're going to try and look for a house to buy in Gilbert. That way we're about halfway between family and work. Plus, who really WANTS to live all the way out in Queen Creek. I always laughed at Brian when he told me he'd be "coming into town" later, because it was so far away. But who knows, maybe we'll find a house out there that we just can't live without. Back to Jeff's job. He got hired on at the same time as this fella who had 20 years of experience, but had let his license expire. Which meant JEFF had to oversee HIS work. We thought this was going to be a great opportunity for Jeff to get some mentoring and learning -- but no. This guy, Bill, kept asking JEFF questions about the patients and called in sick two days after he started and was out the rest of the week. Needless to say, Bill was fired, which was good and bad. Good because Jeff didn't like his work ethic (i.e. making Jeff take patients that Bill "didn't feel like taking"), but Bad because now, until they hire someone else, Jeff will be taking on a double load. We know it will get better, but it's going to be a long road. At least he has a job!!!
I traveled up with Mom and Dad to the Lamoreaux Reunion held at Pinal Peak because Jeff wasn't going to be able to make it. We couldn't get the generator running in the RV, which meant the boys and I were sweating almost the whole 2.5 hrs. up there. Awful. Then the second day, Griffin got a fever and threw up once in the night. Terrific. I'm not a big camper, and I've trained my kids to stay pretty clean, so the whole first day, my kids were like, "What the heck do you want me to do with all this dirt, Mom?" Meanwhile all the other kids were digging in it and calling it dirt heaven on earth. In my opinion, the actual camping spot was totally NOT WORTH the hour-long-car-sick-inducing-dirt-road drive up the mountain. This place didn't even have a stream to go throw rocks in!!! What's camping without a few hours of rock throwing?! I mean, come on!! So.....I learned that we either need to go camping more often, or just call ourselves non-camping-people.
It's always fun being with the fam though. Good food, good fun. I missed out on the service project (because of nap time). Supposedly the forest rangers requested a path be cleared from Point A to Point B. Maybe they'll call it the Lamro Trail now? There was plenty of horseshoes played as well as round upon round of Oh Heck!, of course.
Hopefully Jeff and I will get some more house hunting done this week and maybe find "our place". It's exciting to be in this next stage of life. Can't wait to see where we end up!
Your sis, Carolyn
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
8:16 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Griffin is 5 !!!
I love this perfectly posed picture. His turn was over, but I told him to jump back on so I could get a picture . It looks like an end-of-the-year school party photo, doesn't it?
Griffin's birthday is July 20th and most years we are lucky enough to do everything ON his actual birthday. This year he woke up to pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse and the number 5. Griffin is not really into Mickey Mouse at all, he just knows it's a pretty fool-proof shape to make as a pancake. I've attempted others before, succeeded in making a turtle, came close to an elephant, but failed at many.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
7:13 AM