On the 20th of this month, I had my ultrasound to find out what we are having. By the title of my post, you can probably guess what the results were. I wanted a girl SOOOO bad. The moment our tech said it's a boy, tears just started streaming. The sobs came later. Jeff didn't really know how to handle my reaction because he was fine with having another boy. The tech didn't understand the depth of my want and continued to make me feel awful for crying. Comments like, there's no cleft-lip, two hands and two feet, two kidneys, four chambered heart, etc. -- made me grateful it was a healthy baby, but I was still disappointed. I felt like an incredibly unappreciative person. It took me a lot of kleenex and about 5 hrs. to be able to talk about it without crying.
I hope this doesn't lower anyone's opinion of me, especially my Father in Heaven. I believe that everything has a purpose and I know we're not done having kids, but I didn't want to worry about this every time. "Will it be a girl this time......the time after that? Will we ever have one?" Those of you who are wondering, I'm good now. That very same day, actually, I came to my senses and realized it was okay.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
My tough day.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
8:30 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas in my mind is:
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:36 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Plans....
Yep, that's right. And he'll LOVE it too.!!!!
We're also taking a trip with my family to San Diego to go to this wonderful place:
I'm VERY excited!!! I haven't been to SeaWorld since I was little, and I'm sure it's just gotten better. It will be neat to see how the boys react to whales and sharks and dolphins. SO FUN!!
What are YOUR holiday plans?
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
5:40 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:39 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What would I do without family....probably grow up.
Before I start blogging about all the snow we've gotten the past few days, I wanted to take a few steps back in time to remind you how cool my family is. Over Thanksgiving, while in Snowflake, we usually make a trip or two across the street to the softball field. There we play kickball and other superb games. However, because of the chilly air this year, too few people made the journey and they had to come up with new games. One of which is shown below:
Yep, that's my 26 yr. old brother, Brian, playing Red Rover with his wife and our cousins and brothers and sisters. None of which are younger than 15. The other line included my brother Allan (10) and my sister Shannon (11), so they were essentially the youngest ones there. But still.......
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
10:04 AM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Playing Dress Up

Thursday at work, we had a Hollywood Day, I guess you could call it. We were supposed to dress up as a movie star. They were originally calling it "Red Carpet Day", but when we opted NOT to roll out the fake red carpet we had for fear of people slipping on it all day, it was changed to Hollywood Day. Dr. McLaughlin was Rambo, there was a J-Lo, Ellen DeGeneres (spell?), Dr. Izzy Stevens (Grey's Anatomy), Catwoman, and Elle Woods (Legally Blonde).
This will be a game for those who don't know what I dressed up as on this particular day. Whoever guesses my character correctly first...... ummmmmm........... I'll send you some candy in the mail. I'm talking like a few sweet-tart packets or something, nothing big. But you'll have the title of "WINNER" for this contest. So here you go:
What movie star did I attempt to imitate here?
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
1:03 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
10:22 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
While we were gone, there was a really bad wind storm I guess and the foam mats I had placed in the backyard.......
.......had blown up against the backside of our house, despite the bricks I had placed on each corner to hold it down. Griffin's beloved tent, however, was not so lucky. A week past before Jeff asked me where it had gone. I figured Jeff had put it away before we left. It was then, we realized the space tent was ours no longer. Hopefully it made it into the hands of some homeless person. Or perhaps it will be the hibernating station for some lucky animal up in the mountains. Griffin hasn't asked about it yet...... cross your fingers.
We put up our tree this past Home Evening:
Griffin loved helping this year.
Kai, on the other hand, was constantly pulling off the ornaments and driving his Lightning McQueen car all through the branches. That's what he's doing in this next picture:
And, NO, Griffin is not peeing on the tree. Even though his pose might suggest otherwise.
We also went out with some friends and had family pictures taken. It was too dark for most of them to turn out and SO RIDICULOUSLY COLD!!!
(notice Griffin's "I'm freezing" fake smile)
OH, yes, it's definitely winter.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
11:47 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
11:01 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
7:00 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I love memories....
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:18 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
It's not Christmas yet, stupid stores!!!!
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
8:16 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Day After Halloween !!!
Okay, so I promised pictures. I have quite a few. Now, for those of you that aren't family, you might get bored after the first few. But remember, this is a link between mine and Jeff's family whom we couldn't be with for this holiday. So, here we go:

This is Steve and Jenny Kempton and Ben, Emily, and Charlie Cox (some friends from school)

Okay, I'm done......almost. Just one more of Griffin, so tired without a nap today and probably a little sick of dressing up 4 nights in a row. And then one more of my amazing costume, a pretty good "Jessie" if I may say so myself.
To finally end this ridiculously long post, I will give a shout out to Jeff........."Thanks for dressing up with us.....even though you don't enjoy it as much as I do. Love ya!"
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:51 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"What a loser!"
Good thing I really like our costumes this year. I'll get some pictures up soon.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
8:14 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Travel Agent Needed
I'm sending this question out to all my 15 readers...... if I even have that many.
We are thinking about trying to go with some friends. We've already been on one with Jeff's family down the West Coast of Mexico, so we'd like something different if possible. Although, that's probably our best bet at the cheapest trip. Anyway -- thanks!
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
10:07 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Got Gas ?
I LOVE my gas stove! For some reason, before I moved into this house, I pictured gas stoves as the ones you have to hold a match up to the element in order to light it. I was a little nervous. So when I actually started cooking with them, I fell in love. When you start to burn something and want the heat turned down, it goes down. Unlike electric stoves where you turn the heat down but you still have to remove the pan from the area of heat because it takes so long to cool down. And one of the best things you can do --- make INDOOR SMORES !! I just made some last night and the marshmellow was perfect every time. PLUS, your arm hairs and face stay safely away from harm. It's not quite the same, but for convinience, I use the cookies that have the chocolate layer on the inside and the chocolate stripes on the outside. Although, you could probably use the chocolate covered graham cracker cookies as well. Both would be good for a quick fix.
I probably should have named this blog -- INDOOR SMORES, but I thought Got Gas was more eye catching. :)
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
9:33 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Rocky Point

Posted by
The Gardner Gang
8:09 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Jilly Bean
And from the looks of this picture, she thinks she's pretty cool too. Just kidding!! I took this picture after telling her to "Be serious Jill. We're at the Pearl Harbor Memorial for heaven's sake!!" -----These pictures are no comparison to the Jill in real life, or even the Jill in others' photos. For some reason, I didn't have a great one of her.
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
5:17 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Ode to Sadie
Posted by
The Gardner Gang
7:55 PM